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The Meaning Of Marriage

The Hebrew word for a marriage is Kiddushin, from the same root as kadosh, meaning “holy.” In Judaism, the locus of holiness is in relationship, specifically a relationship of love. A relationship of love is the foundational metaphor of God and Israel, who were "wed" to one another at Mount Sinai. Throughout our tradition, the message appears over and over: the most powerful kind of holiness, the very presence of God is in the lifelong committed love of two human beings. When we celebrate Kiddushin, our deepest hope is that the holiness we encounter in the love of these two individuals coming together can serve to inspire us all to bring holiness and peace to the whole world.

Give us a call at 202-362-4433 today! 
We can help you plan your simcha both logistically and spiritually!

Learn more about our Reception Spaces at Adas Israel




Aufrufs, Keruv Aliyah, and Celebrating with Your Congregational Family

The union of a couple is always a celebratory event and our entire congregation wants to join you in celebrating this family simcha. There are various ways for engaged couples and their families to celebrate this exciting family milestone.

Engaged couples are invited to have an “aufruf” and be called to the Torah for an aliyah and rabbinic blessing on Shabbat morning. Many couples invite their family and friends to join them for this Shabbat honor and to stay for a celebratory Kiddush reception with the congregation. Please contact Hazzan Rachel Goldsmith to arrange an aufruf, and contact Juliana Nieto to make a contribution to a Kiddush in honor of an aufruf.

Adas Israel and our clergy welcome recently married interfaith couples to be called to the Torah for a Keruv Aliyah and blessing acknowledging this family milestone and the couples connection to our congregation and community. Please contact to make an appointment with one of our rabbis.



Involving our Clergy

Rabbis Alexander, Holtzblatt and Krinsky will be happy to meet with all couples contemplating marriage and will discuss opportunities for involvement in the synagogue. In addition to our Rabbis, Hazzan Arianne Brown welcomes opportunities to participate in wedding ceremonies. Contact to involve our clergy in this joyous occasion.



Visiting the Mikvah

We invite prospective brides and grooms to visit the Adas Israel Mikvah. Many brides bring female relatives and friends and make a simcha of their visit. There is a small waiting room where they can gather to wish her well before or after. The same goes for grooms and their male attendants. However, brides and grooms may not use the mikvah at the same time.

Visit our Mikvah Page for details and to make an appointment.




Visit the Sisterhood Gift & Judaica Shop for the Wedding Needs

The volunteers in the Adas Israel Gift & Judaica Shop are ready to assist you in ordering wedding invitations, buying wedding gifts, ordering custom kippot, and many other parts of a wedding celebration. Visit the Gift & Judaica Shop website page for store hours and information

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785