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Traditional Egalitarian Minyan

Stay Informed! | Get Involved | TEM Shabbat ServicesLead Shacharit | More Information

About Us


TEM Kabbalat Shabbat & Dinner

Come lend your voices and welcome Shabbat with us, at a spirited, traditional Friday night davening. Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv are followed by a delicious, register-in-advance Shabbat dinner that includes blessings before the meal, zemirot and benching. Singles, families, teens and empty nesters are all welcome. 

Friday, April 4 at 6:30pm | Sign Up For Dinner Here
Friday, May 2 at 6:30pm | Sign Up For Dinner Here 
*This dinner is sponsored by the M.B. Lewis Charitable Foundation in memory of Wade Zev Lewis, z"l. 

Friday, June 6 at 6:30pm | Sign Up For Dinner Here



Stay Informed!

CLICK HERE to regularly receive the Adas Minyan weekly e-mail newsletter.

Facebook group: Search for "Adas Israel Traditional Minyan" on Facebook and join our group!

If you have an announcement for the newsletter such as a life cycle event (birthday, anniversary, yahrtzeit, etc.) or if you have an have an announcement to be made at the end of services, you can email the newsletter editor and announcements coordinator, at

For informal postings of brief (one or two sentences!) community events, job announcements, apartment rentals, etc., email



Traditional Egalitarian Minyan Shabbat Service Schedule

Gewirz Beit Am, Shabbat Mornings at 9:30am

Friday evening Kabbalat Shabbat service and dinner, First Friday of the month (see schedule above)



Get Involved

There are many opportunities to get involved in the Minyan! We welcome everyone's involvement in all aspects of services, including children who can lead Ashrei and other prayers.

To lead services (daven), email the davening co-coordinators Mitchell Moss and Cameron Wheeler at Daveners are needed each week for P'sukei d'Zimrah, Shacharit, and Musaf. The minyan does the full repetition of the Amidah.

To read Torah (leyn), contact the Leyning co-coordinators, Shuli Carroll and Sam Swire at The Minyan reads the full Torah portion each week and divides the leyning among multiple readers. Email Shuli to be added to the leyners email group list and to receive the current leyning spreadsheet.

To give a D’var Torah, please email coordinators Betsy Strauss and Dan Chudnov at

If you would like to be hosted for a Shabbat dinner, lunch, or holiday meal, please email



Lead Shacharit and Musaf

Adas and TEM member, Michael Leifman, prepared a series of audio clips to help interested Minyan goers lead the morning Shacharit and Musaf prayers.

Please CLICK HERE to listen to the Shacharit audio files.

Please CLICK HERE to listen to the Musaf audio files.



More Information

TEM Governing Draft
The TEM has a document governing our principles, policies, and procedures. The document is available through this link. The purpose of this document is to serve both as a record of our current policies as well as the basis for considering policy questions.

Contact Us
If you have any comments, questions, or concerns for the Minyan Coordinating Committee, email: or any the members of the Coordinating Committee directly.

The Committee serves as a liaison with Adas Israel Congregation, organizes the Minyan Occasional Meeting, and discusses concerns as they arise. The Minyan Coordinating Committee members are David Raboy, Debbi Wilgoren, Juliana Isaac, Mark Rotenberg and Anna Ravvin.

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785