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Friday Night Shabbat Festival

Friday, September 13, Beginning at 5:30pm

Calling all corners of our community for a soulful, extravagant Shabbat festival experience. Gather with friends, old and new, to recharge your spirit with uplifting prayer, joyful song, (and of course) lots of food. 

Opening MakomDC Weekend, Mendelson Scholar: Dr. Yehuda Kurtzer, President Shalom Hartman Institute 

Join us as we welcome Dr. Yehuda Kurtzer for a Friday night D'var Torah.

Full Schedule: 

5:00pm: Youth and Family Service
5:30pm: Young Professionals Happy Hour (Registration Required, See Below)
5:30pm: Community Happy Hour (Registration Required, See Below)
5:45pm: Youth and Family Dinner (Registration Required, See Below)
6:30pm: Musical Shabbat Service
8pm: Shabbat Dinner (Registration Required, See Below)

Tikkun Olam/Social Action

Happy Hour
Young Professionals

Happy Hour

Young Family Shabbat Dinner
For Families With Children

Community Shabbat Dinner
All Are Welcome

Tikkun Olam/Social Action

Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784