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Martin Luther King Jr. Weekend

Friday, January 14, 2022 - Monday, January 17, 2022

Join together as a community as we celebrate and explore the wisdom, courage, and legacy of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Our weekend scholar, Dr. Deitra Reiser, will be advising Adas through our own journey toward being an anti-racist religious community. Weekend highlights include Shabbat study and conversations with Jewish text, along with featured guests and speakers throughout the weekend. Programming will be guided by the Social Action Committee and community leaders, and Shabbat services will include music honoring Dr. King.

Tikkun Olam/Social Action

Musical Kabbalat Shabbat Experience
With Adas Clergy, Full Band & Guest Dr. Deitra Reiser 

Friday, January 14 at 6:30pm
Charles E. Smith Sanctuary | Click Here to View Live

Join us for a reflective journey into the power of Shabbat with spirited song, intention, and prayer. Featuring seasoned musicians and a special, gratitude-filled excursion as well as a special message from Dr. Deitra Reiser, our weekend scholar, who will be advising Adas through our own journey toward being an anti-racist religious community.

Shabbat Morning Service
Featuring Weekend Scholar Dr. Deitra Reiser

Saturday, January 15 at 9:30am
Charles E. Smith Sanctuary | Click Here to View Live

We welcome all to our Shabbat morning service that will include our Shamayim Vaaretz Band, a Bat Mitzvah celebration, prayers and Torah reading.  Within our service, we collaborate in prayer, weaving together our stories in song and prayer. This service will also feature a d’var Torah from weekend scholar Dr. Deitra Reiser on building anti-racist stamina.

Havdalah & Sing for Justice: A Virtual Musical Dialogue with Roderick Giles


Due to the COVID situation, we have decided to move this weekend's Havdalah and Sing for Justice to a livestream only - our musician in residence Micah Hendler will engage in a virtual musical dialogue with guest artist Roderick Giles inspired by the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and reflecting on the power of music in bringing about racial justice and social change. Join us on Facebook Live at 8:00pm on Saturday evening to hear these powerful songs and stories.

People's Church Sunday Morning Worship
With Text Study Led By Rabbi Krinsky and Pastor Harris

Sunday, January 16 at 10am
Click Here to Join the Service Live
Click Here to Join Rabbi Krinsky and Pastor Harris's Text Study

We are invited to join People’s Congregational Church for their 10:00 AM worship service. The service will be held virtually only. After the service, Rabbi Krinsky and Pastor Harris will co-lead a joint text study on the theme: “How Do We Find God in the World?” 

Jews in Cuba in the Shadow of the Pandemic and Embargo

Sunday, January 16 at 11:30am, Tifereth Israel Congregation 
On Zoom and In-Person | Click Here to Register 
Co-sponsored by Adas Israel

David Prinstein, President of the Jewish Communities of Cuba, will speak on the current state of the Cuban Jewish community, projects to maintain its people, and the unique history of this small yet indefatigable group.

Save the Date: WIN Ward 3 Action on Affordable and Green Housing in Ward 3 

Sunday, January 23 at 3pm 
Virtual with Wilson (Jackson-Reed) Senior High School

Register Here

Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. fought again housing discrimination and played a key role in the fair housing movement that resulted in the Fair Housing Act of 1968, passed one week after his death.  Despite that landmark legislation, displacement, covenants, land use and lending practices continued.  We see that legacy today in housing inequities, particularly in Ward 3. The WIN Ward 3 Affordable Housing Work Group will be gathering 300 community stakeholders to meet with Ward 3 Councilmember Mary Cheh and District officials to push forward our priorities of affordable, green housing in Ward 3, on public and private land. We invite you to come (virtually) and stand in solidarity with the WIN leaders and Wilson students that have helped spearhead this work. Contact Jamie Butler,, for more information.

Sun, March 16 2025 16 Adar 5785