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Keruv and Interfaith Households

Your family is invited to worship with us

We welcome both Jewish and non-Jewish family members to worship at all services. Weekday, Shabbat and holiday services are open to members of all faiths.

See the Movie!

With remarkable experiences to share, these beloved members of the Adas Israel family exemplify Adas' sacred mission to foster intimacy and connection in the presence of each other, through the rich medium of Jewish life & tradition. Hear their story! And see more of their videos!




Being called to the bimah for a baby naming

Being called to the bimah for a child’s Bar/Bat Mitzvah

 Offering a prayer to your child at a Bar/Bat Mitzvah 


Being part of a family or group blessing before travel to Israel

Being called to the bimah to celebrate an anniversary

Coming to the bimah on the occasion of a child’s consecration, confirmation or graduation


Interfaith Stories from our Members


Keruv (to come closer), spearheaded by the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (a constituent arm of the Conservative Movement), was formed to answer the needs of interfaith couples and families, and, in the words of the Torah, to “welcome strangers into the tent.”

If you are an interfaith couple or family, related to one, would like to learn more about interfaith outreach at Adas Israel or join our interfaith couples group, please contact the Rabbi.

Adas Israel is a vibrant Conservative congregation that invites members of all backgrounds to participate in everything we have to offer.


Brit Milah and Naming Ceremonies

Brit Milah (ritual circumcision) is the rite though which a baby boy is welcomed into the Jewish community and at which he receives his Hebrew name. Rabbis Alexander, Holtzblatt and Krinsky will be happy to assist in the planning and participate in the celebration of this most meaningful ceremony.

Upon the birth of a daughter, the Rabbi will be delighted to discuss the options for a naming ceremony in the synagogue and/or in your home.


Bar and Bat Mitzvah

The Bar/Bat Mitzvah ceremony is an important rite of passage, as a Jewish child becomes a Jewish adult. We afford opportunities to all family members to participate in the service.

On Friday night, the Bar/Bat Mitzvah child, along with his/her parents will be called to the bimah at the time of the Kiddush. On the morning of the Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Jewish and non-Jewish relatives may take part in the presentation of the tallit and to present prayers and blessings at the end of the service. During the service, both parents will be invited to share a blessing with their child.



The union of a couple is always a celebratory event. The Adas clergy will be happy to meet with all couples contemplating marriage and will discuss opportunities for involvement in the synagogue. Please be aware that Rabbis of the Conservative Movement are only permitted to officiate at the marriage of two members of the Jewish faith.



In the event that a non-Jewish spouse affiliated with our congregation loses a loved one, our rabbis will be available for comfort and support. Judaism offers much in the way of mourning practices. Many Jewish traditions are universal in their ability to provide comfort at a time of loss. The rabbis are available to discuss rituals and observances that may be helpful in a time of mourning.


Jewish Education

One need not be Jewish to take advantage of the many educational opportunities offered by the synagogue. Everyone is welcome to our adult education programs and classes. A child need not be Jewish to attend the Gan HaYeled Nursery School at Adas Israel. Children of interfaith couples may be enrolled in our Estelle & Melvin Gelman Religious School, provided that the child is Jewish or that there is an intent to have the child converted to Judaism.


Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785