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Shabbat Festival January 13 2023

Friday Night Shabbat Festival
With Phyllis Mindell Martin Luther King Jr. Weekend Shabbat Dinner

Friday, January 13, 2023
Calling all corners of our community for a soulful, extravagant Shabbat festival 
experience. Gather with friends, old and new, to recharge your spirit with uplifting prayer, joyful song, (and of course) lots of food. Social Action and Community Partners Happy Hour, YP Happy Hour, RP Happy Hour, musical services, and a special MLK Shabbat Dinner.

Full Schedule: 

5:30pm - 6:30pm: YP Happy Hour (Registration Required, See Below)
5:30pm - 6:30pm: Retired Professional Happy Hour (No Registration Required)
5:30pm - 6:30pm: Social Action and Community Partners Happy Hour (No Registration Required)
6:30pm: Musical Shabbat Service
8pm: Phylis Mendell MLK Dinner on "The Spirituality of Power" with Learning, Reflection and Gathering

Young Professional's Gathering
YP Happy Hour

   Number of YPs attending (Free)

Community-Wide MLK Shabbat Dinner
Phylis Mendell MLK Dinner on "The Spirituality of Power" with Learning, Reflection and Gathering

(If you are joining us as one of our community partners, click here to register)

   Choose Number of Attendees - $15.00 - Fully Booked

Fri, March 14 2025 14 Adar 5785