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Non-Member High Holy Day Tickets

Sunday, September 9, 2018 29 Elul 5778

7:30 PM - 8:00 PM 1 week after

L'Shana Tova! Join us for an inspirational High Holy Day experience at Adas Israel. Whether you are new to the community or a member of many years, we invite you to step out of your daily routines, to join together with the kehilla, to reflect deeply on what matters to you, and to embrace the pinnacle of our Jewish prayer experience. This year our theme for the Yamim Noraim is centered around the last line of Psalm 27. The Psalm ends with the mantra: Hope to God--be strong and build a courageous heart--Hope to God. This year, it’s a phrase that feels palpably appropriate. We have encountered together the trials and triumphs of your lives and we have witnessed the enormous strength, doubt, hope, pain, and ultimately, the abundant quality of resilience you possess. Together we are invited to face each other and ourselves, and to build space for honesty, loss, longing and ultimately connection.

Please feel free to view the full schedule of services here:

*Please Note: Upon ticket purchase, you will receive a general admission ticket. This means that there are certain times that you will not be able to sit in the main sanctuary. The times that you are allowed to sit in the main sanctuary include:

Erev Rosh Hashanah
Rosh Hashanah Day 1 (Through the Torah Service)
Rosh Hashanah Day 2
Kol Nidre
Yom Kippur (Through Shacharit)


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