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Endowment Funds


The Synagogue’s Endowment Funds are critical in supporting our community’s sacred operations each year. They have enabled us to recruit the finest clergy and professionals, maintain our impressive and heavily-used building, offer innovative programs and services, support our wonderful maintenance and security staff, and more – all while keeping membership costs affordable and ensuring our core value that no one be turned away from Adas participation due to finances.

These Endowment funds are a collection of literally hundreds of different principal contributions from committed Adas families and foundations over the years; all invested prudently according to the Congregation’s Board-approved Investment Policy Statement. For most funds, gifts are not necessarily spent in entirety, but rather, invested, and interest earned goes to support the synagogue budget and other key projects in meaningful ways for all time! Now, please stop for a moment and think of the beauty of what was just described: a community member gives a gift that lasts forever; one that serves the community now and in future generations. Remarkable. The congregation has grown increasingly dependent on yearly Endowment earnings as a critical revenue source for balancing our large and impactful operating budget (currently drawing roughly 5% of the total Endowment market value, which supports about 12% of our annual operating budget revenue).

The category of funds and their general purposes are below. If you have any additional questions about the function and/or usage of a specific fund, please reach out to our Executive Director, David Polonsky. Click Here to support these incredible funds! 

General & Capital Funds

Supporting ongoing synagogue operations and building needs.


Adas Israel Building & Capital Fund
Bereavement Fund
Hesed & Bikkur Cholim Fund (caring for those in need)
Cantor Arianne Brown Discretionary Fund
Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund
Congregational Kiddush Fund
Daily Minyan Fund
Dial-In Audio Fund

Dr. Irving Brick Memorial Capital Fund
Education Director Discretionary Fund
Executive Directors Discretionary Fund
Frances and Morris Gewirz Auditorium Fund
Havurah Kiddush Fund
Ina and Jack Kay Endowment Fund for A.S. Kay Hall

Julius and Anna Wolpe Auditorium Fund
Mikvah Fund
Monica and Hermen Greenberg Tzedakah Fund
Offerings Fund
Prayerbook and Bible Fund
Rabbi Alexander Discretionary Fund
Rabbi Holtzblatt Discretionary Fund

Rabbi Krinsky Discretionary Fund
Ritual Director Discretionary Fund
Ruth Abramson Cemetery Fund
Social Action/Tikkun Olam Fund
Traditional Minyan Kiddush Fund
Tzedakah Fund
Yahrzeit and Yizkor Fund
Youth Department Activities Fund

Scholarship Funds

Enabling education/participation of our students and community members across many programs and opportunities.

Cecile and Seymour Alpert School Scholarship Fund
Bertha and Oliver Atlas Memorial Fund
Craig Jeffrey Atlas Hebrew University Scholarship Fund
Leah F. Chanin Day School Scholarship Fund
Benjamin Eric Cooper Memorial Scholarship Fund
Warren Dennis Memorial School Scholarship Fund

Myer "Mike" Feldman Memorial Youth Fund
Morton and Norma Lee Funger Israel Programs Fund
Janice Wasserman Goldstein Religious School Scholarship Fund
Janice Wasserman Goldsten Youth Scholarship Fund
Isaac W. and Dina Halbfinger Youth Fund
Irwin and Rita Rosenthal Heine Youth Scholarship Fund



Dr. Louis Jacobs Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund
Minnie and Abraham S. Kay Israel Scholarship Fund
Samuel and Sadie Lebowitz Israel Scholarship Fund
Anna and Abe Nathanson Youth Fund
Lillian and Max Offenberg Youth Fund
Steven M. Reich Memorial Youth Fund
Rothstein Family Israel College Scholarship Fund




College Scholarship Fund
Sisterhood Israel Scholarship Fund
Gertrude and Philip Smith Youth Fund
Leah M. Smith Memorial Youth Fund
Pascaline and Eric Steiner School Scholarship Fund
Belle Tarshes Youth Fund



Ritual & Special Purpose Funds

Supporting important and specific projects within the congregation’s Ritual Department.


Gloria, Nettie and George Bortman Memorial Bible Fund
Dr. Edward A. Cafritz Fund for Ritual Objects
Daniel Ezrin Fund for Ritual Objects
Maxine and Gerald Freedman Membership Dues Fund
Hymen and Sadie Goldman Prayer Book Fund

Goldstein-Lande Bnai Mitzvah Book Fund
Goldstein-Lande Shabbat Kiddush Fund
Goldstein Rosh Hodesh Breakfast Fund
Susan Isen Staff Education Fund
Abraham Kaminsky Torah Fund
Rose and Morris Kanfer Torah Fund
Susan and Robert Klein Bible Fund

Ida Mendelson Memorial Prayer Book Fund
Sarah and William Pittleman Special Needs Fund
Ethel and Nat Popick Chronicle Fund
Mozelle Saltz Memorial Ritual Fund
Charlotte and Hubert Schlosberg Machzor Fund
Sylvia Feldman Shapiro Memorial Endowment Fund

Dr. Willian and Vivienne Stark Wedding & Anniversary Fund
Jeannette E. & Samuel A. Weiss Special Needs Fund
Rabbi Jeffrey A. Wohlberg Bar/Bat Mitzvah Fund
Rabbi Jeffrey Wohlberg Masorti Fund
Sisterhood Synagogue Bimah & Adornment Fund
Arnold Bortman Memorial Endowment Fund​

Adult Education & Library Funds

Ensuring a robust curriculum of adult learning, Torah study, and literary immersion.


Sandra & Clement Alpert Fund for Family Education
Aronson Family Library Endowment Fund
Beverly Bildman Bernstein Adult Bat Mitzvah Fund
Adult Bat Mitzvah Scholar Fund
Barbara Abrams Cohen Memorial Library Fund
Naomi and Nehemiah Cohen Lecture Fund
Milton Engel Library Bookshelf Fund

Tillie Laskin Fenichel Scholar Fund
Rose Ruth Freudberg Memorial Sisterhood Library Fund
Doris Herman Teacher Recognition Fund
Henry L. and Claire P. Kronstadt Library Technology Fund
Lazarus Foundation Library Fund
R. Robert Linowes Library Bookshelf Fund

Martha and Joseph Mendelson Adult Education Fund
Rabbi Solomon H. Metz Library Fund
Rabbi Avis Miller Lifelong Learning Fund
Charles Jay Pilzer Library Technology Fund
Rabbi Stanley Rabinowitz History and Archives Fund
Henry S. and Anne S. Reich Family Education Fund

Leon Robbin Staff Training Fund
Daryl Reich Rubenstein Memorial Staff Development Fund
Mozelle Saltz Memorial Sisterhood Fund
Abe Belle & Ivan Shefferman Scholar Series Fund
Siegel-Kalmekoff Family Adult Education Fund
Sybil Wolin Passover Library Shelf Fund
Annie Bass Yellen Scholar Fund

Youth Education Funds

Empowering the our youth to become engaged, informed Jewish adults.


Dr. Clement and Sandra Alpert Endowment Fund
Anne Bord Hebrew High School Fund
BYachad Gan Special Needs Fund
Benjamin James Cecil Special Education Fund
Benjamin Eric Cooper Endowment for High School Programs
Benjamin Eric Cooper Community Service Fund



Mildred and Jess Fisher Early Childhood Center Endowment Fund
Estelle Gelman Education Endowment Fund
Melvin Gelman Religious School Fund
Debra Goldberg Education Fund
Yale Goldberg School Retreat Fund
Rhoda H. Goldman Memorial Religious School Endowment Fund




Dan Kaufman Childrens Program Fund
Dr. Stanley W. Kirstein Gan Hayeled Fund
Roslyn and Theodore Kogod Confirmation Class Fund
Harry and Judie Linowes Youth Endowment Fund
Leonard S. Melrod Gan Hayeled Nursery School Fund
Mens Club Amuday Torah Fund



Nathan and Rosa Povich Academic Achievement Fund
Shelley Remer Gan HaYeled Enrichment Fund
Herman and Jennie Robbin Fund
Olga and Leon Robbin Nursery School Endowment Fund
Sophie Silfen Shalom Tinok Fund



Cultural, Music, Arts & Programs Funds

Ensuring that music and culture remain a part of the beating heart of our community.


Esther Saks Abelman Yiddish Culture Fund
Susan Linowes Allen Memorial Music Fund
Cecile and Seymour Alpert Senior Rabbi Program Fund
Heidi and Max Berry Endowment Fund
Frances and Leonard Burka Social Action Fund
Dora Ulman Cassler Innovative Programs Fund
Emanuel Cohen Judaica Collection Fund
Ryna and Melvin Cohen Senior Rabbi Program Fund



Ethel Dubit Senior Fellowship Fund
Garden of the Righteous Fund
Celia and Louis Grossberg Cantorial Fund
Morris Hariton Senior Program Fund
Jacob Kainen Memorial Fine Arts Fund
Susan and Robert Klein Seniors Fund
Marian Konowitch Fund for New Members
Dr. Judith Kossof Outreach Program Fund
Dorothy and David Linowes Program Fund





Joseph and Mollie Muchnick Selichot Program Fund
Henry S. and Anne S. Reich Cultural Program Fund
Eleanor T. and Samuel J. Rosenfeld Music Fund
Cantor Arnold Saltzman Youth Music Fund
Rise and Ronald Schlesinger Music Fund
Salzberg Family Music Fund
Steven Smith Memorial School Arts Fund
Sukkot in April Fund




David B. Sykes Endowment for the Arts
Marilyn and Stefan Tucker Program Endowment Fund
Anne Kampelman Wiederkehr Cultural Programs Fund
Joan Alison White Art Education Fund
Hazzan Max Wohlberg Memorial Music Fund
Ruth and Emanuel Weinstein Fund
Jewish Mindfulness Center of Washington Fund
MakomDC/Biran Beit Midrash Learning Fund


Special Purpose & Auxiliary (Sisterhood, Men's Club) Funds

Supporting the many circles of community that make up our thriving kehilla.



Sisterhood Shirley Abrams Memorial Fund
Sisterhood Synagogue Bimah & Adornment Fund




Rose R. Freudberg Sisterhood Memorial Library Fund
Sisterhood General Fund
Men's Club Amuday Torah Fund





Men's Club General Fund
Ethel Dubit Senior Fellowship Fund
Morris Mariton Senior Program Fund





Susan and Robert Klein Seniors Fund
Ethel and Nat Popick Chronicle Fund
Maxine and Gerald Freedman Membership Dues Fund



Social Action & Special Needs Funds

Justice, equality and inclusion at the heart of our Torah.


Frances and Leonard Burka Social Action Fund
Sarah and William Pittleman Special Needs Fund



Jeantte E. & Samuel A. Weiss Special Needs Fund
Darfur Solar Cookers Fund






Anne's Place, Inc (formerly Anne Frank House) Fund
Social Action/Tikkun Olam Fund






Lev B'Lev Committee Fund
Abortion Kits




Endowments For The Congregation's Future

A core category of perpetual funds designed to ensure the synagogue's long term sustainability.



Adas Israel Fund for the Future Endowment Fund
Cecile and Seymour Alpert Endowment Fund
Howard Karl Amchin Memorial Fund
Rhoda and Jordan Baruch Endowment Fund
Francois Emanuel Baur Memorial Endowment Fund
Bender Endowment Fund
Anne and Henry Berlinsky Endowment Fund
Diane and Norman Bernstein Endowment Fund
Milton Blumenfeld Endowment Fund
Sandy and Stanley Bobb Endowment Fund
Rita and Asa Bobys Endowment Fund
Anne and Ned Bord Endowment Fund
Nettie Bortman Endowment Fund
Dr. Irving Brick Memorial Endowment




Ann and Lou Chelec Memorial Endowment Fund
Helen and Morris Cladny Endowment Fund
Edna and Jefferson B Cohen Memorial Endowment Fund
Norman G. and Roberta B. Cohen Family Fund
Dreyer Family Endowment Fund
Peter Dreyer Memorial Fund
Stella and Harry Engel Fund
Bessie and David Feldman Memorial Fund
Fetterman-Fonoroff Endowment Fund
Rose C. and Bernard H. Fischgrund Fund
Mildred and Jess Fisher Endowment Fund
Rabbi Samuel and Zhava Friedman Fund
Frances Friend Endowment Fund
Bernard and Sarah Gewirz Fund




Lawrence Glassman Memorial Endowment Fund
Sylvia and Harold Greenberg Endowment Fund
Sadie and Herman M. Hanfling Memorial Endowment Fund
Carolyn F. Hellman Memorial Endowment Fund
Leonard J. Horwitz Memorial Fund
Muriel Jacobson Memorial Fund
Arthur Kowalsky Memorial Endowment Fund
The Kullen Family Foundation Fund
Rose and Simon Laupheimer Fund
David Luftig Memorial Fund
Mollie and Joseph Muchnick Fund
Sylvia B. Nelson Memorial Endowment Fund





Harry and Yetta Rosenthal Memorial Fund
Cecilia Fisher Rudman Memorial Endowment Fund
Sachse Family Endowwment Fund
Donald and Mozelle Saltz Endowment Fund
Rita and Bernard Segerman Endowment Fund
Judith and Russell Smith Endowment Fund
Lillian and Oscar Stempler Fund
Marlene and Richard Stone Endowment Fund
George Wasserman Memorial Endowment Fund
Veeda and Stanley Wiener Memorial Fund
Morton H. Wilner Memorial Endowment Fund
Irvin Wolloch Memorial Endowment Fund




Thank you for your support...
Click Here to support these incredible funds! 

Mon, January 20 2025 20 Tevet 5785