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Youth & Family Shabbat Programming

Families with Young Children Shabbat Services and Dinner

Services 5:00 PM Wasserman

Dinner 5:45 PM Cohen

This monthly Kabbalat Shabbat service for our families with young children (6 and under) meets monthly on Friday night at 5:00 PM in the Wasserman. We join in a service led by Rabbi Solomon and members of the Adas band followed by an informal, Shabbat dinner, pre-registration for dinner required.

During the 2024 - 2025 School Year, services and dinner will take place on the following Fridays: 

May 9 - Register here

June  13 - Register here

Lechu Neranena Community Service and Dinner

Services 6:00 PM Smith Sanctuary

Dinner 7:00 PM Kay Hall

Come sing! Join us for a spirited musical community service on Friday night at 6:00pm in the Smith Sanctuary. Rabbi Solomon, Cantor Brown, and Adas musicians create an inclusive and joyful atmosphere engaging children and offering adults an uplifting experience of t’filah (prayer). We will feature participation of our students in this multi-generation Kabbalat Shabbat service. Services are followed by an informal, Shabbat dinner, pre-registration for dinner required.  

During the 2024 - 2025 School Year, services and dinner will take place on the following Fridays: 

March 21 - Register here

May 16 - Register here

Mah Tovu Shabbat Morning Service

11:15 am in the 3rd floor Funger Hall

Join other families for a joyful, song-filled Shabbat morning service. Come ready to sing, dance, and pray at 11:15 am in the Funger Hall on the 3rd floor! Best for children 7 and under. All children must be accompanied by an adult.


September 7, 14, 21, 28

November 2, 9, 16 ,23

December 7, 14

January 4, 11, 25

February 1, 8, 22

March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29

April 5, 26

May 3, 10, 17


Youth Havurah

11:00am in the 3rd floor Library

Best for Kids in 3 - 6th grade

Come together to form your own prayer community with others your age! Youth Havurah is for children in elementary school and is a chance for all students to experiment with prayer, learn the elements of the Shabbat morning service, and have fun. Services take place on Saturday mornings at 11:00 am in the Library.

Wed, March 26 2025 26 Adar 5785