Welcome to the Daily Minyan
Community & Prayer @ Adas – Every Day
Click Here for the Daily Minyan Schedule and Zoom links
Twice daily, we have the opportunity to strengthen our community by participating and sharing in the responsibility of making a minyan. By attending the Daily Minyan, we share in a ritual that has endured for centuries and will endure for time to come. At Adas Israel’s daily morning and evening minyan services, we reach out to grieving congregants, welcome visitors, and strengthen old friendships. Click Here to learn more about Daily Minyan.
Support the Daily Minyan by sponsoring a breakfast platter!
Click here to sign up and for details
Thank you for supporting the Daily Minyan by sponsoring Breakfast. Your tax-deductible contribution will help sustain our Daily Minyan community as we celebrate your Simcha, or help you observe a Yahrzeit. If you would like to order a different platter option than below or order from Baked by Yael, please still fill out this form so we know to expect a platter.
Please note, if you would like to order a platter within three days, you will need to order directly through Baked by Yael or Shalom's.
Daily Prayer
Siddur Pages: Shacharit and weekday Torah readings, Mincha, Maariv, Psalm for the Season.
Sunday Evening Mincha/Maariv
Sundays at 6pm, ONLY on Zoom.
Weekday Morning Shacharit
Monday-Friday at 7:30am, (*Holidays Will Begin at 9am, See Calendar Below)
Join Us In-Person or Click Here To Join On Zoom
New Year's Day
Martin Luther King Day
President's Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day, July 4th AND July 5th
Labor Day
Day after Thanksgiving (No afternoon minyan that day)
December 25